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Smallville Mailsack!

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Martha's Story
Here are your comments about Samuel Hawkins' second  Superboy tale, MARTHA'S STORY !

Click HERE to read comments about his other stories!

Oddly a moving Chapter - I felt quite sad after reading it and reflecting upon my own life. I thought it well written and quite poignant.

I have loved the original comics and the WB TV Smallville series.

I am 62 and grown up with Superman you might say.

Thank you for a great site,

- Conrad Roe, January 20, 2002

I read Martha's Story and all I can say is that Sam Hawkins is truly gifted.  If stories like this were written during the Pre-Crisis days, there would never have been a need for a reboot.  After I read the story I felt a loss myself, it was so touching to see Mon-El and Ultra Boy give Clark the time to spend with his parents, in fact everyone in Smallville was so realistic it was eerie.  Once again an exceptional job.

- SparkyIII, March 31, 2001

Thank you.  Wonderful addition to the Superman Legend.  Mon-El's and Ultra Boy's, and Krypto's sections were perfectly done.

- Kathy Owens, February 11, 2001

I just finished Martha's Story.  Man, that was good.  I always wondered about that period in Superboy's past.

I honestly thought I was going to cry at the end myself.

Thank you for these stories.  They really are fun, and great to read.


- LArry Stanley, The Ultimate Fanboy, October 19, 2000

Thank you.  This is a very very touching story.  For the first time in years i was stuck to the pages (or to the lines :-) ).
I really appreciated it.

- Chris, August 1, 2000

This was a great story.  I cannot put into words how well it conveyed messages about Superman and the good qualities of humanity.  I hope that you will continue to write.

- Chetan Vajapey, January 30, 2000


-, January 29, 2000

Dear Samuel:

I had to write a few lines after reading this story.

Beautiful.  A great story and told from the voice that was least heard during the Silver Age.  You did a great job.

Thanks for the pleasure I took from reading it.

R. Cruz

- Ricky Cruz, January 27, 2000


I read Martha's story tonight.  I should have been doing something else, but I'm glad I wasn't.

I've become a Sam fan.  Pretty cool, huh?

- Elliot S! Maggin, January 23, 2000

This was a truly wonderful story and I felt a sense of loss reading it on two levels. First, I, along with the characters, felt the loss of the Kents.  I read the comic version of this in a reprint, but the added details here (Krypto, the Legionnaires, the reactions of other Smallville inhabitants) drew me into the story.

But I also realized just how much depth Superman lost with the 1986 reboot.  From someone who lost an entire world and two families, to someone who couldn't remember Krypton and still has the Kents. You can't really tell a story like this Post-Crisis because Superman lacks the sense of melancholy now.  I sometimes forget just how good Pre-Crisis Superman could be when well-thought and well-written, thanks for reminding me.

- Jon Clark, January 15, 2000

It's a beautiful story.  Sam Hawkins continues to regale us with tales of the Superman mythos.  It takes a lot of skill and imagination to depict the 'old' Superman like this.  Give me stories like this, I prefer them ANYTIME over post-crisis Stuporman comics.  I would have preferred some participation from Pa Kent in the death scene for closure.  It's very touching.  Pass the hankies, please... SOB.

- Romarico Galvez, January 11, 2000

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